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Movie Credits
Direction & Executive Producer
Lars Lindberg Christensen, ESA/ESO
Art Director/Production Designer
Martin Kornmesser, ESA/ESO
Written by
Govert Schilling
Lars Lindberg Christensen, ESA/ESO
3D Animations
Martin Kornmesser, ESA/ESO
Luis Calçada, ESO
DVD Authoring
Andre Roquette, ESA/ESO
Lee Pullen, ESA/ESO
Laura Simurda, ESA/ESO
Martin Kornmesser, ESA/ESO
Cinematographer & Narration Mastering
Peter Rixner
Soundtrack & Sound Effects
movetwo - Axel Kornmesser & Markus Löffler
Lead Scientist
Dr. J (Dr. Joe Liske, ESO)
Technical Support
Lars Holm Nielsen (ESA/ESO)
Raquel Yumi Shida (IAU/ESA-ESO)
Dirk Essl (ESO)
IYA2009 Coordination
Pedro Russo & Mariana Barrosa (IAU/ESA-ESO)
Proof reading
Anne Rhodes
Version 1
Daniela Kirilova
Radoslav Zamanov
Nevyana Markova
Vassil Popov
Galin Borissov
Lyuba Slavtcheva-Mihova
Valentin Koptchev
Mariya Lyubenova (Astronomical Association, Sofia)
Muhamed Muminović i Marko Bačanović
Antoni Albalat (Universitat Jaume I)
Núria Fuertes (Departament d'Educació.Generalitat de Catalunya)
Blai Sanahuja (Universitat de Barcelona)
Josep M. Solanes (Universitat de Barcelona)
Jan Veselý, Hvězdárna a planetárium v Hradci Králové,
Jiří Dušek, Hvězdárna a planetárium Mikuláše Koperníka v Brně
Prof. Dr. Susanne Hüttemeister
Dr. Thomas Langbein
Dr. Thomas Posch
Dipl.-Ing. Herbert Raab
Mag. Daniela Schobesberger
Dr. Gabriele Schönherr
Dr. Björn Voss
Manolis Zoulias (Academy of Athens, Greece)
Lee Pullen
Andre Roquette
Tania Penuela
Carolina Nunez
Bruno Sanchez-Andrade Nuño
תרגם לעברית: ד"ר שי צוקר
Snæbjörn Guðmundsson
Sverrir Guðmundsson
Sævar Helgi Bragason
Julie Bolduc-Duval
Anny-Chantal Levasseur-Regourd
Ufficio Comunicazione INAF:
Caterina Boccato
Valeria Cappelli
Chiara Di Benedetto
Elena Lazzaretto
Mârtiòð Gills
Kristîne Adgere
Andrejs Alksnis
Kârlis Bçrziòð
Mâris Krastiòð
Agnese Zalcmane
Csák Balázs
Dr. Hegedüs Tibor
Molnár Péter
Szalai Tamás
Eddy Echternach
Nelma Alas Silva (CAUP)
Ricardo Reis (CAUP)
Mariana Barrosa (IAU & ESA- ESO)
Augusto Damineli
Marian Vidovenec
Andreja Gomboc in Bojan Kambič
Leena Tähtinen
Dr Noorali Jiwaji
Mr Nathaniel Mbaga
Prof. Tigiti Sengo
Ms. Hadija Jilala
Mr. Richard Mtambi
Ms Sabra Ahmed
Ms Consolata Mushi
Leszek Błaszkiewicz
Ewa Janaszak
Bogusław Kulesza
Jacek Szubiakowski
(Olsztyńskie Planetarium i Obserwatorium Astronomiczne)
Anna Raiter (ESO)
Audio Narrations
Howard Cooper
Thomas Höricht
Version 2
Additional Subtitles
Dr. Mhd Firas Safadi
(Syrian Amateur Astronomers Association)
中文 Mandarin Narration
Prof. Wei-Hsin Sun (NTU/ASROC)
Shiu-Sheng Chen
簡体中文 translation
Sze-leung Cheung
Kenneith Ho-keung Hui
Wing-shan Cheung
Tsz-lok Cheng
Kai-tung Fok
Pui-kwan Suen
(IYA2009 HK League)
繁體中文 editing
Prof. Dr. Wei-Hsin Sun (NTU,Taiwan)
Seline Chia-Ling Hu (NTU, Taiwan)
TAM, Taipei Astronomical Museum
Kuo-Kuang Chiu (TAM, Taiwan)
Archer Chun-Liang Chen (TAM, Taiwan)
Freeman Li (TAM, Taiwan)
Kuei- Lan Chang (TAM, Taiwan)
Jim Ching-Chuan Hung (TAM, Taiwan)
Mislav Baloković
Antonija Oklopčić
Mario Pallua
HINDI Piyush Pandey Manasi Anjerlekar Sanjay Dalvi Sneha Khedekar
Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium, Bangalore, India
Acknowledgements : T G Sreenidhi
РУССКИЙ Mikhail Loktionov "DrMichael"
Emil Turcu - University of Suceava, Romania (
Mirel Birlan
Translator : Nibondh Saibejra, F.R.S. Thailand
Producer : Advance Avionics & Aviation Co.,Ltd. Thailand
Ankara University Observatory
Assoc. Prof. Selim O. SELAM
PhD Stud. Ozgur BASTURK
Tetyana Zabela
Iryna Zadnepryanets
Oleksandr Fedorov
Eugenia Demyanchuk
Additional Audio Narrations
Sze-leung Cheung
Kaz Sekiguchi
Batista Jacques
РУССКИЙ Mikhail Loktionov "DrMichael"
Contributing photographers
Jean-Charles Cuillandre
Babak Tafreshi/The World At Night
Bernd Pröschold/The World At Night
Kirk Pu'uohau-Pummill (Gemini Observatory)
Stéphane Guisard (ESO)
Thad V'Soske/The World At Night
Serge Brunier/The World At Night
Yuri Beletsky/ESO
Thanks to
A. Fujii
Aaron Evans (University of Virginia, Charlottesville/NRAO/Stony Brook University)
Adam Block
Alain Riazuelo
American Institute of Physics/Emilio Segrè Visual Archives
Andrew Dunn
Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy
Bill Miller
C.R. O'Dell/Rice University
Calvin Hamilton
Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope/Coelum
CFHT/Jean-Charles Cuillandre
Dan Schechter/Science Photo Library
Davide de Martin
De Vero Telescopii Inventore by Pierre Borel
Digitized Sky Survey 2
Dirk Bernhardt-Walther
Effelsberg Telescope/MPI für Radioastronomie
Eran Laor Cartographic Collection and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Dept. of Geography
Frank Summers (NASA/STScI)
Gemini Observatory
George Willis Ritchey
GMT/Carnegie Observatories
Guy Plante (Laval)
H. Weaver (JHU/APL), A. Stern (SwRI), and the HST Pluto Companion Search Team
Hale Observatories/Science Photo Library
Historic Cities Project
History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries
Huntington Library
J. Bally (University of Colorado) and H. Throop (SWRI)
J. Stauffer (SSC, Caltech)
J. Westphal (Caltech)
James Cook University (Graeme L. White & Glen Cozens)
Jeff Hapeman
K. Noll (STScI)
Keck Observatory
Klaus Dolag (MPA, Garching)
L. Cieza (Univ. of Texas at Austin)
Large Binocular Telescope Observatory/Marc-Andre Besel
Large Binocular Telescope Observatory/Ray Bertram
Lars Bachmann (SDC)
M. Markevitch,
M. McCraughean
M. Robberto (STScI)
MAGIC Telescope
Mark Hanna
Michael Pierce
Michael Richmond
Museum Boerhaave
NASA/Chandra X-ray Observatory Center
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab
NASA/Johnson Space Center
NASA/NCSA University of Illinois
NASA/Space Telescope Science Institute
NASA/Spitzer Science Centre
NASA/University of Chicago and Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum
NASA/Voyager 2
Nigel Sharp
Palomar observatory
Panther Observatory
Paul Hickson (UBC)
Pedro Ré and Lewis Morris Rutherfurd
Peter Rixner
Phil James (Univ. Toledo), Todd Clancy (Space Science Inst., Boulder, CO), Steve Lee (Univ. Colorado)
Pierre Auger Observatory
R. Thompson (Univ. Arizona)
Richard Dreiser
Rob van Gent
Robert Berrington (Indiana University)
Robert Gendler
Robert Hurt (NASA/SSC)
Royal Astronomical Society/Science Photo Library
S. Carey (SSC/Caltech)
Science Photo Library
Scott Kardel
Shapell Family Digitization Project
Sheila Terry/Science Photo Library
SKA Program Development Office/Xilostudios
Special Astrophysical Observatory
Stellafane/ Phil Harrington
Steve Cannistra
T. Megeath (University of Toledo)
The Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma
The Franklin Institute
The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration
The Jewish National & University Library
The Nationaal Archief
The TMT Observatory Corporation
The University of Arizona's Steward Observatory Mirror Laboratory
The University of Chicago
Todd Mason, Mason Productions/LSST Corporation
Tom Jarrett
Univ. of Maryland/A.S. Wilson et al.
W. M. Keck Observatory/Rick Peterson
Whipple Observatory
Wiphu Rujopakarn/John Hill/Aaron Ceranski
This movie is dedicated to
the users of the amazing telescope
in the past, present and future...
Oliver Patkós Christensen (production child) |
The Eyes on the Skies is a movie produced as standard DVD and Blu-ray format, freely available for TV broadcasters and for public events carried out by educators, science centres, planetariums, amateur astronomers etc. (send your email, postal address plus a justification to us ). It explores the many facets of the telescope — the historical development, the scientific importance, the technological breakthroughs, and also the people behind this ground-breaking invention, their triumphs and failures. It is presented by Dr. J, aka Dr. Joe Liske, a professional astronomer from the European Southern Observatory and host of the Hubblecast video podcast. The DVD runs for 60 minutes and contains subtitles in several languages.
The movie may be used by TV stations for broadcast for free, but only if the full movie is shown including the major part of the credits. Parts of the Eyes on the Skies movie may be shown in connection with features on the International Year of Astronomy, but only if the Eyes on the Skies movie or book are mentioned visibly or audibly.
- Produced in FullHD 1080p, also available as standard DVD and Blu-ray format

- This is an official movie for the International Year of Astronomy 2009 and the International Astronomical Union
- 60 minutes running time, with narrated text, comments from experts, and one program host
- Visual elements: animations, computer simulations, science results, time-lapse footage from observatories
- Soundtrack by movetwo
- Produced by ESA/Hubble (the same team as behind the widely distributed movie “Hubble — 15 Years of Discovery)
- Directed by Lars Lindberg Christensen
- Visual Design by Martin Kornmesser
- Written by Govert Schilling and Lars Lindberg Christensen
- Presenter: Dr. J aka Dr. Joe Liske from ESO, host of the Hubblecast video podcast
- Narration:
- Version 1: English, Deutsch
- Version 2: All the above plus: 繁體中文, 日本語, Português - Brasil, Русский
- Subtitles in 33 different languages:
- Version 1: БЪЛГАРСКИ , Bosanski, Česky, Deutsch, ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ, English, Español, Français, עִבְרִית, íslenska, Italiano, Latviešu Valoda, Magyar, Nederlands, Polski, Português, Português – Brasil, Slovenčina, Slovenski Jezik, Suomi, Kiswahili
- Version 2: All the above plus: 简体中文, 繁体中文, Al-‘arabiyyah, Català, Hrvatski, Hindi, Kannada, Русский , Română, Phasa Thai, Türkçe, Українська
Movie Chapters |
1. New Views of the Skies |
2. Bigger is Better |
3. Technology to the Rescue |
4. From Silver to Silicon |
5. Seeing the Invisible |
6. Beyond Earth |
7. What’s Next? |
Subtitles in different lanaguages can be found on:
If you are interested in translating them into another language and having it included in the next edition of the DVD, please use the English .txt files provided on the link above as an example. Save your the individual files in plain text format using UTF-8 encoding (for instance in Microsoft Word with save as -> text -> UTF-8). Please use the same formatting, keep the timecodes and don't change the number of lines. Then send the files to us and we will reply as soon as we can.
The movie script
in English is available on PDF format (2.58 MB)
Stills for the Press
Download high-resolution images containing scenes from the movie on this link
Buy it on the Hubble Shop§ion=cdroms
Broadcasting Schedule - Watch it on TV
- Latvia: Latvia TV1 April 2-5 2011
- 24–28 October 2011, International Festival of Popular Science and Educational Films "World of Knowledge", St.-Petersburg, Russia.
- 7–10 September 2011, AARUUSH'11, SRM University, Chennai, India.
- 2 April 2011, Washington State Science & Engineering Fair, Bremerton, Washington, USA.
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